Halloween: 2016 – Closing Time on the Call

I’m retroposting this entry from my drafts folder at it’s original publishing date of October 31st, 2016. It’s three years hence, and things are much better health-wise for me now than then. So no, I’m not quitting the site again in 2019 as I did 5 days and three years ago when I first posted this. I’ve removed broken links, but left the text unchanged save for spelling errors and an update . I’ll keep you all updated on further developments for this site on December 31st, 2019. Thank you! ~ Troythulu, 2019/11/5

Happy Halloween, or a joyous celebration to you no matter your holiday of choice!

I knew this day would come, since founding this blog on December 28, 2008, but it’s been an absolute blast.

It really has.

After this entry, the blog will remain online, but closed to further updates. Posts older than one year since this date will be closed for commenting, and this site will continue to serve as an archive.

I’m changing venues to another site for most of my blogging, a site much with much more functionality, one which permits me to sell my work directly, and most of all one which is less burdened by the spectre of time and loss of those passed on whom I’ve come to like, love, and respect.

This blog has seen much history in the nearly eight years it’s existed, and not all of it good. It has seen the deaths of many very close to me, and my work on this site has been deeply affected by these undertones, and the erosion over the months and years of the joy and enthusiasm I began with in late 2008.

I need a change of venue, a place to blog less burdened with the emotional baggage this site carries since the deaths of friends, relatives, online acquaintances scarcely known but profoundly influential, and those of my cats long-gone. It sounds silly and irrational, coming from a non-believer, but it feels almost as if the site has been spiritually tainted by this history.

So, I’m off to a new start, mostly away from WordPress.

Perhaps one day I’ll see a need to return to posting here, at some misty, inchoate time in the future. But I will not promise that. I cannot honestly do so. I simply don’t know what lies ahead.

My new main blogging venue beginning on November 26th of this year will be The Collect Call of Troythulu, with the first few weeks of November being one of preparing and scheduling updates there, as well as study, reading, recharging my cognitive batteries, and relaxation as my new quarterly activity schedule comes into effect on November 1.

I’ll post there each month afterward every other day, with a period of one week or eight days at month’s end to research, rest, read, and review my lessons ready for the following month of updates. I’ll continue posting on WordPress at Checkerboards of the Gods, with an update monthly in keeping with that blog’s topic matter of language use, literature, and writing.

I’ll continue keeping up with those of you on WordPress by commenting on your posts, liking, voting on, and chatting with you on other social media venues you may use. I’d be delighted if you could join me on Blogger or Google+, on Facebook (Here) and (Here), on [update: the following accounts along with Google+, have since been deactivated or deleted following December 4, 2018] Twitter, @Troythulu, @Mister_Eccles, or on my Tumblr account at My Horrific Elegance. For those of you with RSS feed readers, my Blogger site has links to updates there, both posts and comments working much like WordPress’s RSS widget. It’s also possible to subscribe there by email.

So, in closing this site, I’ll paraphrase from Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor’s parting line in the final episode of the 2005 season of Doctor Who, “The Parting of the Ways:”

Before this ends, I just want to say one thing. It’s been fantastic, absolutely fantastic! And D’you know what? So have you!

Thank you all for your support, your friendship, and the pleasure of meeting you online these eight years past. I hope I’ve been worthy of it.

Tf. Tk. Tts…. Always.

17 thoughts on “Halloween: 2016 – Closing Time on the Call

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